Friday 21 January 2011


I was searching
You were on a mission
Then our hearts combined like
A neutron star collision

I have nothing left to lose
You took your time to choose
Then we told each other
With no trace of fear that...

Our love would be forever
And if we die
We die together
And lie, I said never
'Cause our love would be forever

The world is broken
Halo's fail to glisten
You try to make a difference
But no one wants to listen

The preachers, fake and proud
Their doctrines will be cloud?
Then they'll dissipate
Like snowflakes in an ocean

Love is forever
And we'll die, we'll die together
And lie, I say never
'Cause our love could be forever

Now I've got nothing left to lose
You take your time to choose
I can tell you now without a trace of fear

That my love will be forever
and we'll die
we'll die together
Lie, I will never
'Cause our love will be forever

The lyrics to 'Neutron Star Collision' fits in well with our music video, lyrics such as "and we'll die, we'll die together" and "Cause our could be forever" all fit in with our theme of loss - the widow feels she cannot live without her husband, despite having a child, and chooses to leave forever - what becomes of the widow is a mystery to the audience - an enigma that will leave them thinking about the music video after watching it. The message of loss is conveyed both in the song and the video, which is why this song is perfect for our music video. 


  1. uurrm i think u meen Cause our luvvvv could be forever gosh wowowwo u suck lol jk i luv u bae u gorg i so wood luv u in my bed 5eva(thats more than4eva cus i luv u lotsss) in the words of my idols jackson five "bumbumbumbumbum bumbumbum A B C, 1 2 3 Baby, you and me girl Your education ain't complete Tea-Tea-Teacher's gonna show you (She's gonna show you) How to get an "A" (na-na-na-naaaaaa) How to spell "me", "you", add the two Listen to me, baby That's all you got to do" so yh lol educasion not complete lern to spell bbygurl then ill do you in the anous. xoxo gossip girl. (p.s. i really lyke ur face.)

  2. Excuse me young fellow. I am muse. You are not muse. I think you should take your "Jackson 5" (whoever they are") and just leave. I love muse. They are fantastic. Hayley got the lyrics slightly wrong. Who cares? You are probably like 2 years old. Stop being rude. If you want to be rude then be rude to One Direction.

  3. umm skuse me like 1D are my lyfe. totes amazballs as my idol hurry styals say "ur insecure dunno wut 4, ur tunning heds wen u wlk thru the du-u-ur." so m8 lyke stup bein bad. ur jus insecure. i h8 grendai or wutevas u talkin bout kkk m8?

  4. 'Grendai' or however you are spelling it are so wow. I think you are just an uncultured swine, a mere skidmark on the underwear of society. Like my idols say "I don't wanna be a marjority. I don't need your authority." SO GO AWAY. Insult k-pop or whatever (avril lavignes hello kitty #ew)

  5. wow u are so not kawaaiiii ^_^ i like japan, they have good musics. WOW watashi wa avuriru ga suki kawaī sa rete imasen.
    Shinu ikuShinu ikuShinu ikuShinu ikuShinu ikuShinu iku. I h8 all of u.
